Knowledge, Practice, and Healing
Date and Time: April 6, 2025 10:00 am
Finish Reading By: April 6, 2025

As we prepare to embark on a collective journey through Geeta Iyengar’s transformative text, “Yoga: A Gem for Women,” we will have a Zoom session to create a foundation for our upcoming study, connecting with fellow practitioners across distances to establish a supportive virtual community.

Here’s what to expect during our first gathering exploring “Yoga: A Gem for Women.” We’ll begin with an introduction to this pioneering text by Geeta Iyengar, understanding its historical significance as one of the first comprehensive yoga books written specifically for women practitioners. I’ll share an overview of our Yoga Readers community and how we’ll approach this intimate exploration of women’s yoga practice over the coming months. As your facilitator, I’ll briefly introduce my background in religious studies (Ph.D.) and experience as an Iyengar Yoga teacher, contextualizing how this unique text bridges traditional yoga philosophy with women’s lived experience.

Most importantly, we’ll create space for each participant to share their personal connection to yoga, their expectations from our book study, and initial thoughts about exploring a text that specifically addresses women’s relationship with yoga practice. The heart of our gathering will focus on exploring our individual relationships with yoga through facilitated discussion. I will invite you to reflect on your personal journey – What unique challenges have you encountered as a woman practitioner? What do you hope to discover through studying this text together? These questions will guide our conversation, helping us understand the collective wisdom present in our virtual room.

This initial gathering sets the foundation for our journey through this remarkable work that has guided generations of women practitioners in understanding yoga’s transformative potential for their unique needs and experiences.

Before closing, we’ll review the practical aspects of our upcoming journey together, including our reading schedule, Zoom protocols for our regular meetings, and how to make the most of our virtual format. We’ll discuss ways to maintain connection between sessions through our dedicated online platform.

I look forward to beginning this virtual journey together, creating community across distances through our shared exploration of women’s yoga practice.

As we prepare to embark on a collective journey through Geeta Iyengar’s…

Reading Unit 1 includes the Forwards, Preface, I First Steps in Yoga,…

Reading Unit 2 includes VI The Nature of Health, VII Is Yoga…

Reading Unit 3 includes VIII Know Your Body, IX Yoga Sadhana, X…

Reading Unit 4 includes I: Standing asana, II: Forward Bends Chapter Summary…

Reading Unit 5 includes III Sitting and Supine Asana, IV Inverted Asanas,…

Reading Unit 6 includes VI Asanas: Twists, VII Asanas: Backbends, VIII Asanas:…

Reading Unit 7 includes IX Pregnancy Asanas and Pranayama & X Advanced…

Unit 8 includes XIII On the Threshold of Peace, XIV Hints and…

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